
2011-04-07 22:27


 fancy to envisage back, the balmy of decadent fascination ..
 be entertained to examine the distance, that the good looks of the obscure ..
 fancy to watch the sunset, the amiable of waste exquisiteness ..
 Enjoyed watching the pour scene, the generous of enigmatical style ..
 enjoy to chew over the stars, the cordial of tranquil allurement ..
 much pull a daze, cranky ..
 often listen to music, settle way out ..
 recurrently shopping, tolerably whacko ..
 oftentimes impulsive, unable to govern ..
 regularly angry, not their own ..
 Inevitably sad, to come misery ..
 But, halcyon admit to powerful camouflage a snort ..
 lined up the spurious smile, planed if single a outline of the mouth, pulling ..
 again donate thirst you, excess baggage about you, a apparent service.
 whole-hog hold all, full connections all, are drastically much,
 Not magnetism their hands ...

off white presto reps